Lookbook Love

Lookbook Love: Free People March 2013 Catalog

I’ve been waiting for this catalog to be released for a while. I actually had a Lookbook Love post done for Monday but scheduled it for Thursday because I REALLY wanted to do a post about this catalog. Thursday’s post goes with the relaxed boho chic vibes that I wanted to present through the blog and social media this week. By the way, have you liked Lady Goodman on Facebook? Free People’s catalogs are some of the best sources for spring/summer/festival style inspiration you can find, especially from March until August. They’re practically the uniform of some very popular celebrity boho fashionistas like Vannesa Hudgens. And if you don’t find at least one Free People garment in Coachella street style posts this year, then the Mayas were off by one year. Prepare for the end.

The March2013 catalog is BEAUTIFUL and colorful. I love how with every turn of a page it feels like a gradient that slowly changes from blue to white to pink to lavender to coral to cream and mustard in both garments and background.

Images via Free People

I was impressed by the entire catalog but the one photo that really got me was the one with the dip-dyed maxi and the lavender background. If it weren’t for the cardigan, as lovely as the colors are, it wouldn’t have worked like it did for me. The cardigan made the dress the star thanks to the contrast created between them. A tip of the natural flower crown to the stylists in charge of the catalog because the styling is five out of three stars. Great job.

I could pick favorite pieces but they’re just so damn expensive that I won’t waste my time doing it. It’s just too painful!! You go pick your favorites and check out the rest of the catalog.

What are your thoughts on the catalog? Which is your favorite photo/piece? Would you buy it? Would you buy me one? Tell me below!

One thought on “Lookbook Love: Free People March 2013 Catalog

  1. Pingback: Lookbook Love: Wasteland’s Gypsy Underground | Lady Goodman

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