
Currently Obsessed: The Saddle Bag from The Cambridge Satchel Company

It’s been a while since I’ve fallen for a handbag. There was a time when I had a considerable amount of bags (and I still do). I just don’t use them that much because I forget I have them plus the scramble of exchanging handbags and moving stuff around which ends in a headache when you left something you needed in your other bag (THE HORROR!). But every once in a while comes a bag that’s stylish, functional and just right for me. And that’s The Cambridge Satchel Company’s latest style: the Saddle Bag. It’s not as big as their infamous satchels and it doesn’t have an enormous rainbow of colors to choose from. It comes in 4 classic colors: red, black, oxblood and vintage (which is brown). It’s a simple, equestrian inspired design that you’ve seen around in different variations. The saddle bag is made of 100% real leather which makes it a sweet investment and at 190USD (110 GBP) it’s not as rough on your wallet as a Hermès (unless you’re a Kardashian which you’re not). Good for you.

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I’m currently planning my next trip(s), which is(are) the most important one(s) yet, so I’m going to wait a few weeks until I decide to take the plunge and make CSC’s Saddle Bag mine. The hard question is: which color should I get? I’m loving vintage, but I’m also loving red, and I would wear the shit outta the black one… but the reeeeeeddd!! And the vintage!!

HELP ME OUT! Which color would you choose?

4 thoughts on “Currently Obsessed: The Saddle Bag from The Cambridge Satchel Company

  1. Pingback: Links a la Mode | La Vintage Vida

  2. Pingback: secondhand vs vintage; all the definitions you need to know part II | hey just jei

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  4. Pingback: Links à la Mode, November 5 | Lady Goodman

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